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Tela Series

Tela Guest Chair - Black

p/n: 3080BLACKA02

In stock
Tela Guest Chair - Blue

p/n: 3080LTBLUEA06

In stock
Tela Guest Chair - Olive

p/n: 3080OLIVEGREENA15

Out of Stock
Tela Guest Chair - White

p/n: 3080WHITEA14

In stock
In stock
Tela Bistro Stool - Black

p/n: CHK30850BLKA020

In stock
Tela Bistro Stool - Blue

p/n: CHK30850BLUA060

In stock
Tela Bistro Stool - Green

p/n: CHK30850GRNA150

In stock
Tela Bistro Stool - White

p/n: CHK30850WHTA140

In stock