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Ways to Be More Productive

Increase Productivity

Ways to Be More Productive

The end of the work day arrives, and you realize you have many unfinished tasks. We’ve all been there. Adding more hours to the day might help, but a better solution is to learn to be more productive.

With the Mood Disorders Society of Canada reporting that 25 percent of employees in Canada view their jobs as the top stressor in their lives, it’s important to find a balance between efficiency and self-care.

There are both practical and surprising ways to do just that.

Productivity Starts with You

Plan and Prioritize. Knowing what you want to accomplish before your day starts means saving time when you’re ready to get down to business.

  • One way to do this is with a to-do list.
  • Organize tasks by priority and determine what needs to be completed first.
  • You are more likely to be motivated for big, daunting tasks at the start of your day.
  • Once they’re finished, you can approach smaller tasks with less stress.

Separate Work from Home. Not mixing the two goes a long way.

  • If you don’t need your phone for your job, turn off your notifications when you’re at work. That little notification light often proves too tempting.
  • On the flipside, it may be appealing to bring home projects to get ahead of deadlines. It’s essential to leave work at the office, and enjoy your time with family and friends once you’re home.

Balance Deadlines and Breaks. Self-imposed deadlines work.

  • Giving yourself a deadline can often kick your productivity into overdrive.
  • If you notice that you’ve been at your desk for hours, take a break.
  • Short breaks every 60 minutes are best. Go for a walk outside or head to the water cooler.

Practice Self-Care. The better you feel, the more productive you’ll be.

  • Drink water. Although coffee may seem like the only drink that will get you through the day, water is a better option to avoid unwanted caffeine side effects.
  • Get enough sleep. Being drowsy at work won’t benefit your work habits. Adults 26 to 64 years old need 7 to 9 hours of sleep nightly to function at their best.

Unexpected Ways to Be More Productive


  • Ever had to stop in the middle of task to go hunting for that thing you need? A messy space makes it hard to stay organized and creates a mental and visual distraction.
  • It also plays a significant role in how we feel. For many, disorganization can cause anxiety, helplessness, and a sense of being overwhelmed.
  • Storage and organization solutions are helpful.

Prioritize Comfort.

  • It’s difficult to stay focused when you aren’t comfortable.
  • Buy an office chair that has adjustable features and customizable options for your comfort.
  • Source also offers ergonomic office chairs, and accessories such as keyboard trays and foot stools.

Let There Be Light (and Plants).

  • Provide as much natural light as possible for each employee.
  • Take a step back from overhead lighting, which can cause headaches, fatigue, and eye strain, with task lighting.
  • Plants also love good light — and they’re a great way to feel healthier and more energized.
  • Plants take in airborne chemicals and turn them into usable nutrients for their own benefit. A room with foliage will have 50 to 60 per cent less bacteria and mold than a room without.
  • Larger plants in the right places can also calm office clamour by as much as five decibels. They act as natural noise buffers.
  • Consider these low maintenance plants: Snake plant, African violet, and Philodendron.

With furniture, floor planning, and design all impacting productivity, Source can help. We offer everything you need to create an environment in which your employees are motivated to be productive. Stop by one of our 13 showroom locations across Canada for an unparalleled selection of products, tailored furniture recommendations, and storage solutions to maximize space and productivity.